

This website is made available to you subject to your unconditional acceptance of the terms of use, terms and warnings contained in these contractual terms ("general terms of use"). By accessing and using the website, you accept these General Terms of Use without reservation. If a provision of these General Terms and Conditions of Use is not applicable, or is in conflict with a provision of mandatory law, this non-applicability will not affect the validity or applicability of the other provisions.


Teaching Online reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time and without explicit notice. It is therefore recommended as a user to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use every time you visit the website.

The scope of the information included in the website

This website is intended to provide general information about Teaching Online and its activities. Although Teaching Online makes every effort to provide information that it believes is current and correct, Teaching Online does not guarantee the adequacy, correctness, completeness or topicality of the information, nor that the website is comprehensive or suitable to use for a certain purpose. Nor does Teaching Online guarantee continuous access to the website, nor the absence of malfunctions or the proper functioning of the website. Nothing in this website may be regarded as an offer to buy or sell products or services, nor in general to conclude an agreement, unless stated otherwise. When goods or services are nevertheless expressly offered for sale, the user should be aware that the information, in particular regarding products offered for sale, can be changed without prior notice. The purchase of the products themselves is subject to separate conditions.

Viruses and computer crimes

Teaching Online does everything possible to protect its website against viruses, hacking attacks or other computer crimes, but does not guarantee the absence of viruses, hacking attacks or other computer crimes.


The website may contain hyperlinks to websites of third parties. These are only displayed to the user for information. Teaching Online has no control over the content of these websites and can under no circumstances be held liable for the existence of these websites, nor for the information contained therein. Moreover, the existence of these links does not imply that Teaching Online is in agreement with the content of these websites, and the inclusion of these links does not imply any collaboration between Teaching Online and the operators of these sites. If you want to create a hyperlink from your own website to this website, we ask you to first contact the webmaster contact@teachingonline.eu and he will inform you as soon as possible about the admissibility of this.

Disclaimer of Liability

The information contained on the website may contain technical and substantive inaccuracies or typographical errors. This information is periodically subject to change. The information contained in the website is not contractually binding. Except in the case of intent or fraud, Teaching Online can under no circumstances be held liable through tort, contractual or product liability, for any direct, indirect or incidental damage (including - but not limited to - loss of profit, savings or professional opportunities, loss of data, business interruption, business interruption or personnel costs), even if it results from serious error or repeated error, caused by the website, including its unavailability or the technical operation, information or content of the website , viruses, hacking attacks and other computer crimes or the content and use of websites to which the hyperlinks on the website refer, and all this even if Teaching Online or one of its suppliers was informed of the possibility of such damage. Any use of this website is therefore entirely at your own risk. If you do not agree with all or part of this website, or if you do not agree with the General Terms of Use, your only right of recourse is to stop using this website.


The website, including texts, layout, graphic components, presentation, logos, software and other components of this site, is protected by the intellectual property rights of Teaching Online or its information suppliers, such as copyright, related rights, database right and trademark law. Reproduction, distribution, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation, editing and use for commercial purposes of all or part of this website is prohibited unless with the prior written consent of Teaching Online.

Protection of privacy

View the section Privacy policy on teachingonline.eu

Anti-spamming policy

Spamming is the massive sending of emails to people who have not requested it. Teaching Online does not allow its own computers or network to be used to distribute unsolicited information or advertising emails to its users.


Teaching Online adheres to the Code of Conduct, approved by ISPA (Internet Service Providers Association). Approved by ISPA (Internet Service Providers Association). ISPA Belgium SBL / VZW was established to defend the interests of Internet providers in Belgium and to promote the Internet in Belgium. The Code of Conduct is a collection of general deontological and courtesy rules developed by Internet users and is known under the name Netiquette. The user declares to know these rules. (https://www.ispa.be). This means that Teaching Online has the right to immediately deny access without judicial intervention if the user does not respect the Code of Conduct, for example in the case of criminal use of the websites.

Use of service

The user undertakes not to use the website for illegal or harmful purposes, not to prevent access to the website, nor to disrupt or modify the website, nor to make the website less efficient or to cause damage to the website Teaching Online or third parties, not to use to pass on or distribute computer viruses or harmful or illegal information, not to compromise the intellectual rights present on the website and not to send or post unsolicited messages. Teaching Online reserves the right to report to the competent authorities users who violate Belgian or international law and to suspend access to and use of the services and data of any user who violates these General Terms and Conditions for an indefinite period or does not comply.

Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction

All disputes related to or arising from the use of the website will be exclusively subject to Belgian law. The courts of Brussels have the power to act in these disputes. The use of this website is not permitted in countries where all of these provisions, including this paragraph, do not apply.


All complaints related to incorrect or illegal use of the Teaching Online network can be reported by e-mail to contact@teachingonline.eu