What is E-Learning?
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced everyone to distance learning, e-learning. But actually it has been around for a long time. Organizations, companies, educational institutions…. tried to quickly put something together so that they could offer further training, courses, lessons but often they did not find the right tool, the right learning platform, and usually they only use a fraction of the possibilities. Teaching Online developed an efficient, powerful, effective and safe learning platform for everyone. Teaching online does not require the purchase of expensive software, no installation of tools or plug-ins. A web browser and an internet connection is all it takes.
Types of E-Learning
E-learning can take different forms. We make a distinction between synchronous and asynchronous forms and the mixed form, blended learning.
In synchronous teaching, the teacher is present at the same time as the students. The role of the teacher in online synchronous teaching is not very different from his role in the face-to-face environment. Synchronous learning can consist of webinars (live online lessons), group chats, videos and walk-in sessions where the teacher is available at a specific time to help. As with the face-to-face environment, the trainees can ask questions in real time. Synchronous e-learning often limits flexibility for students. Because everyone is present at the same time, everyone must complete the course at the same pace. To give students the opportunity to review the course, the courses are often recorded for the student to review later.
With asynchronous e-learning, the teaching material is placed online and the students study at a time of their choice and at their own pace. The teacher and student communicate via discussion boards or forums, or even by e-mail. Good asynchronous education spans a variety of media, including audio and video clips. With an asynchronous way of teaching, the student can work at his own pace and at times that are convenient for him. The pattern of student input is different than in the synchronous environment. Many short visits to discussion boards or forums are perceived as more valuable than 1 long session. There may still be deadlines for submitting work for feedback, and there may be a recommended schedule for learners to follow so they have an idea of what to do and when.
Blended Learning
Blended learning refers to a course that includes both online and face-to-face elements and therefore combines the benefits of synchronous and asynchronous e-learning. A mixed approach brings together three elements: Classroom activities with the teacher Online teaching materials Self-study with material provided by the teacher.
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning
E-Learning has strong advantages, but it also has its limitations.
Students have access to the learning environment anytime and anywhere. The teaching material can be divided into blocks so that the student can record the material according to his own needs and at his own pace.
Thanks to e-learning, the student often no longer has to travel to take a course. Travel and accommodation costs are therefore completely eliminated and, in the case of blended learning, accommodation costs are reduced.
With the various forms of e-learning, 1 teacher can train a large number of students in a short period of time. An additional advantage is that this significantly reduces the costs per student.
Trainers can easily keep the course material up-to-date and immediately give all students access to the most up-to-date information.
E-learning offers the opportunity to create a richer learning environment with ICT. The tools we use for this are almost inexhaustible: videos, web links, wikis, online evaluations, interactive discussions….
Learning is a social process, in which interaction, communication and collaboration play a crucial role in the acquisition of knowledge. Thanks to our learning platform, we create a powerful, flexible learning environment in which students can learn together.
Everyone thinks that e-learning requires an enormous investment, especially in the field of new soft- and hardware fast internet connections ... We make our learning platform readily available to organizations, companies, institutions… and help to get the most out of your online lessons. Teachers and students only need a computer or tablet and an internet connection. This makes the investment minimal.
E-learning appeals to the work discipline of the student. Commitment and motivation are therefore important. Our learning platform requires few ICT skills so is therefore low-threshold and accessible to everyone.
Most people prefer to learn through personal contacts. Our learning platform makes maximum use of all possibilities to make e-learning a personal and interactive event.
E-learning is another way of teaching. The content of the course remains the same, but the way is completely different. Many teachers have the biggest problems with the new learning platform and rarely make use of the possibilities that such a platform can offer. An online lesson is then no more than a video lesson, often Zoom or Teams, where the teacher reads his course, sometimes with a PowerPoint support. Our learning platform makes it possible to take e-learning to a higher level.
Developing quality online learning material is still labor-intensive and therefore expensive.
It is not possible to achieve all learning goals with e-learning. Would you be operated on by a doctor who did his training exclusively through e-learning?